Who can go

It should be noted that we would like to assess each application individually and then determine when or how the groups will be formed.  There are applications of various ages, some wanting to experience the farm, others wanting to learn while some want to gain practial experience to compliment their studies.  Therefore, while the below ages are set out, they are guidelines since we will assess each application and try and accommodate everyone - we don't want to turn anyone away.  

So no matter how old you are, give us a shout and we will see how we can help!

Students are also welcome to apply for multiple visits (like every holiday if they want :) ) - we will however give priority to new applicants.


Although we would like to give all ages the opportunity, it is unfortunately not possible for very young children.  Due to the nature of farm life, we cannot baby sit children so would epect some level of maturity.  The maximum age would be for anyone still studying (approximately 25).

In order to maintain a good experience for all, boys and girls are accommodated seperately and not during the same week/stay (with the exception of siblings as below).  There is a selection process which enables us to accommodate fairly and in good order.  This means that if we have, for example, 3 family requests of a boy and girl in each, we would accommodate them in a group together for a stay.  

Age groups are also determined during the selection, so that similar ages are kept together as best possible.  Such planning enables us to ensure we have a planned experience that will suite the age group, in terms of activities and their learning eperience.

The older the students, the smaller the group in order to allow more freedom to older individuals.  Unversity students, for example, are allowed more freedom and also more responsability.

When can I visit?

While we expect that most students would visit during school holidays, we are open to students that are able to visit any other time of the year too.  These, we epect, are students gaining practical experience, or on a gap year, or wondering what to do with their lives... everyone is welcome and we will try and accommodate you for as long as you'd like to stay.

Does it cost anything?

Well, we don't want to turn anyone way so rather chat to us, but the short answer is yes - since we need to feed you!  

The costs are kept to a minimum.  If for some reason a student is not able to pay (perhaps due to parents financial difficulties), then contact us and we will see how we can help.

Generally, you will not need any pocket money during your stay (where will you spend it?).. unless you want to buy sweets or snacks, but you will not be going in to town for parties, movies or anything else - you are going farming.... :)

So, the only cost would be the fee per day to pay for your food and general expenses.

Costs are determined when making a booking as expenses vary - so that will be discussed when you contact us.  (It also depends how many mashmallows you want to braai and munch when you go camping hehe ... :) ) 


Students live in the house with us, and are accommodated in our spare rooms with sleep up to 3 per room (Thus total of 6 students).

Older students (depending on the group) might have a room to themselves, where younger students will share up to 3 in a room.

School children:

We can only accept children from ages of 12 years and up (there could be exceptions based on individual assessment).  Even 12 years old is quite young and we would assess individuals on their request.  


Where family members and siblings visit together, we would look at exceptions for younger children provided there is an older brother or sister with them, although not younger than 10 year old.  We encourage family orientation and visiting so siblings are most welcome.

University students and older applicants:

These students are given more responsability and also allowed more freedom on the farm.  We expect a level of maturity.  In terms of accommodation, these students might have a room to themselves depending on the group, or might share with 1 other person.


So basically - ANYONE is welcome to apply, and we will see how we can fit you in. 

Please respect our decision on when we could accommodate your - we need to make up groups and take various variables into account.  We might only be able to accommodate you in a following holiday, but you will get a chance.